1. Open IMPORT MODULE in WinFashion (File-àMaster FileàImport Module or Ctr+I)
  2. Click New. Enter the following information in Form View by referring BOL Attachment and excel files:-
  1. Vendor
  2. Vendor#
  3. Div,Shipvia
  4. Customer
  5. Shipdate
  6. Mawb/BOL# and Mawb/BOL#
  7. Shipper, Shipper Inv#, ShipTerm
  8. Location
  9. Under “Note Memo”, Enter freight forwarder details, Label, Delivery Details and other necessary details.

 Note:-All these columns are mandatory which needs to be filled in.



  1. Go to “Cut Ticket” Module; Enter the price details in “Price Column” Corresponding to a particular cut# and style. Click Save once you enter the price in all cut ticket#.

  1. Go to Import Module and Click on the IM# which you have created 




  1. Go to detail tab. You will see “Select Shipment” Button under Detail tab.Click on the “Select Shipment” Button and select the corresponding cut#’s and in order to create IM.
  2. Move those selected  CT#’s to the below window and change the quantities according to the excel been provided to you. Click “Finish” Button.
  3. One you click Finish button, an alert box pops up asking “Do you want to generate IM file ‘   ‘ (Yes/No)  and “Update FOB&Duty,Weight/Volume/Ctns?” (Yes/No). Click “Yes” to both the alert messages.



  1. IM is created. Now go to the printform to check the totay qty and total price. Save the IM in pdf format.